2-days programs

"Simple the best"  Period from 01.11.2012 till 10.05.2013.  

1st day. City-tour (Nevsky avenu, St-Izek Square, Bronze Horsman, Basil Island Strelka, Spilled Blood Cathedral Square, Palace Square). Visit to the  Peter and Paul Fortress and Peter&Paul Cathedral.

Free time for coffee break. Visit to the Hermitage.  

2nd day. Trip to the Pushkin. Excursion to the Catherine Palace with Amber room. Return to the city-center.

Free time for coffee break. Visit to the St-Izek Cathedral.

Prices are in euro per person

10 persons 15 persons 20 persons 25 persons 30 persons
93 89 82 74 70


- English speaking guide for 2 days for 8 hours

- bus for 2 days for 8 hours

- entrances (Hermitage, Peter&Paul Cathedral, Catherine Palace, St-Izek Cathedral)

Remarks: Peter&Paul Fortress is free of charged


"Grand City Tour"  Period from 01.11.2011 till 10.05.2012.  

1st day. City-tour with photo-stops: Palace Square, Basil Island Strelka, 

visit to the Peter and Paul Fortress and Peter&Paul Cathedral, 

visit to the cruiser Aurora,  Nevsky avenu, Bronze Horsman,

visit to the St-Izek Cathedral. Free time for coffe break.

Excursion to the Yusupoff Palace.

2 nd day Excursion to the Hermitage. Free time for coffee break. 

Visit to the Spilled Blood Cathedral,

Visit to the Notr Dam de Kazan.

Prices are  in euro per person till May, 10

10 persons 15 persons 20 persons 25 persons 30 persons
96 87 84 76 72



- English speaking guide for 2 days for 8 hours

- bus for 2 days for 8 hours

- entrances (Hermitage, Peter&Paul Cathedral, Yusupoff Palace, Spilled of Blood Cathedral, St-Izek Cathedral)

Remarks: Peter&Paul Fortress, Aurora and Notr Dam de Kazan are free of charged